Fostering lasting bonds between canine and owner.

Helping keep dogs from ending up in shelters, because of miscommunication.

The majority of dogs in shelters end up there because of communication issues between owner and pet.

Our goal is to help you have better communication with your pup to foster stronger relationships that last a lifetime.

Meet Our Pups

  • Teia (te-ya)

    Teia had a very sad start to life. Her mom and the majority of her siblings were trampled by horses on the farm where she was born. Only Teia and her sister, Camile, survived. Both pups were rescued by Stephanie at 8 weeks old. They both came to her homestead and were taught to fulfill their calling as livestock guardian dogs. Camile fell right into the role and loved guarding her herd, and eventually went on to live at a farm where she is happy and thriving. Teia thought guarding livestock was kind of boring and just wanted to cuddle. When Stephanie left homesteading behind, Teia transitioned to a companion pet. She does a great job at guarding her person and keeping Stephanie’s recliner warm for her. Her favorite thing in life is to be snuggled close. To her, it’s the best thing in life next to food!

  • Stella

    Stella is a 9 lb Jack Russell, Chihuahua mix that loves to play with her stuffies. Her daddy is her human, she keeps her brother in line and she rules the Landry household! Stella was a rescue that came to Michele and Shawn with lots of coaxing from Michele’s best friend. Her best friend was meeting with the dog rescue to adopt Stella’s brother, and convinced Michele to get Stella and just bring her home without Shawn’s knowledge of this taking place (not recommended, but it worked out in this situation). At the time, they had a 15 year old Australian Shepherd, Nikita. Exactly 2 weeks to the day of Stella joining the family, Nikita decided mommy and daddy were in good hands with Stella, and she crossed the rainbow bridge. A few months later, here comes Snoopy.

  • Snoopy

    Snoopy was also a rescue, the same rescue as Stella. He is a 95 lb Staffordshire Terrier and American Bulldog mix. If you’ve now done a 2nd glance at the difference in sizes on the two dogs, you wouldn’t be the first. As I stated in Stella’s bio, Snoopy is told if he gets playing too rough or gets out of line in general. But Snoopy’s story has a sad start. He and his littermates were torn from their mother too early, and dropped in a box in the middle of a busy road. I should also mention that Snoopy is deaf, so he is often unsure of his surroundings and not always trusting of other humans. But Shawn and Michele protect him and give him the best life possible with lots of long walks, lots of stuffies and playtime, and he is allowed to make the dining room table his “bed”, so that he can look out the front window.

  • Koda

    Koda is Atiya’s furry friend. Fetch is his favorite game, and he never gets tired when chasing his ball! He can be the biggest goofball, but takes his job seriously when protecting his favorite person.

  • Xenna

    Xenna belongs to Atiya. She is still a small puppy, but she likes to try and keep up with the big dogs when playing. She is one of the most sassy girls you’ll ever meet. Xenna loves to play tug of war and always has boundless energy!